Book Signing at Fred Meyers

Book Signing at Fred Meyers

Alaska Fred Meyers Book Signing I was recently privileged to take part in a wonderful event sponsored by the National Authors in Grocery Stores Program, a program founded to help authors get exposure and sales. As I and every other author quickly find out, the writing...

Blood Red Shoes, Part 5

Blood Red Shoes by MerrySmith Filmworks The Making of Blog, Part Five More Shooting, Continued by Bradford D Smith More than a few memorable things happened while we searched for props and shooting sites. If the cast or crew could not provide the items we needed, the...

Blood Red Shoes, Part 4

Blood Red Shoes by MerrySmith Filmworks The Making of Blog, Part Four Our First Shoot, Continued by Bradford D Smith We decided to do our first shoot in as friendly an environment as possible, the University of Alaska Juneau campus. We didn’t exactly ask permission...

Blood Red Shoes, Part 3

Blood Red Shoes by MerrySmith Filmworks The Making of Blog, Part Three Cast of Characters, Continued by Bradford D Smith First some housekeeping. It was recently brought to my attention that Glow is actually Glo. My lack of intimate knowledge of the English language...

Blood Red Shoes, Part 2

Blood Red Shoes by MerrySmith Filmworks The Making of Blog, Part Two Cast of Characters by Bradford D Smith It’s not a stretch to say all involved in this project were characters in their own right. I’ll start with the Chief Character and the man that brought us all...