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Curiously Colorful Kids
A Coloring Book
Curiously Colorful Kids features an original collection of watercolor paintings of northern children at play created by artist Diane Solie Smith.
Each page showcases a different scene, fifteen in total, while the opposite page features a line drawing of the same scene. The user can copy the vibrant colors that Diane painted or use their imaginations to conceive their own unique color pallet and doing so creating their very own work of art.
Author Diane Solie Smith
Diane was a well-known watercolorist who for many years painted the unparalleled scenery and the unique gold rush buildings of her home town, Atlin, BC. Later in her art career she turned to painting, “her kids,” as she lovingly referred to them, thus creating a series of northern scenes featuring “her kids” at play. Many of the paintings have never been released until now in Curiously Colorful Kids.
Diane was an artist, an author, a historian, a business owner a craftswoman and a talented archivist. Art was her love and history was her passion. She was directly involved in the preservation of many historic buildings in her community and with her husband she started what has become Atlin’s award winning museum.
Having owned at least one dog her entire life and for a short period owning over thirty, it is fitting she rests with her last dog, Willow, on a hillside blanketed with wildflowers overlooking the town whose history she committed to preserving.
Atlin, British Columbia
Paintings by Diane Solie Smith
Copyright various dates Bradford D. Smith