Ordinary Wolves by Seth Kantner

Ordinary Wolves by Seth Kantner

Ordinary Wolves Seth Kantner Milkweed Editions 2005 Seth Katner’s first offering, a novel Ordinary Wolves, hits hard and fast and pulls no punches. A story of a white boy growing up in a sod hut on the banks of a river in Arctic Alaska. Not sure where he fits in in...

Atlin Security Blanket

The Atlin Security Blanket Atlin News Miner Diane Smith – Aug 24, 1972 Everyone has heard of the physiological security blanket. It is the end result of behavior motivation which leads to saving something, be it money or stale sourdoughs, thus creating a shield...

Ghost in The Koot

As I previously mentioned, I have little personal recollection of the Kootenay Hotel, but I feel confident in the retelling of one particular Kootenay story. This is a story I heard told and retold many times as I grew up in Atlin. I will preface this by saying many...
Mac’s Fireweed Books

Mac’s Fireweed Books

Atlin Where Everyone Knows Your Dog’s Name on Mac’s shelf. Visiting Whitehorse? Be sure to stop by Mac’s     Memories of Mac’s For a small town Atlin boy in the late nineteen-sixties, a trip to the big city of Whitehorse was a magical time....

The Firecracker Boys

The Firecracker Boys Saint Martin’s Press 1994 Dan O’Neill In 1958, Edward Teller the father of the H bomb wanted to explode six megaton atomic bombs on the coast of northwest Alaska, only a few miles from the Inupiat settlement of Point Hope. This story will tell you...