Nov 7, 2021 | Reviews & Recommendations
North of Familiar A Woman’s Story of Homesteading and Adventure in the Canadian Wilderness Terry Milos Caitlin Press 2019 Full disclosure on this one, Terry was my grade school teacher for grade three and four. Thanks to social media, we met again as adults and she...
Oct 25, 2021 | Diane Solie Smith Artwork
Horse Barn and Hay Loft An old one- or two-horse barn and hay loft. This building is long gone now but Mom was able to capture it forever in one of her paintings. It was situated on the alley behind what is now Sincerely Yours General Store in Atlin. This building...
Oct 19, 2021 | Diane Solie Smith Artwork
This painting was commissioned by the owner of the cabin shorty after it was completed. Logs were and are a popular building material in Atlin. Using locally sourced logs makes economic sense. They offer good insulation and are aesthetically pleasing. See a watercolor...
Oct 19, 2021 | Diane Solie Smith Artwork
Glacier Institute On McBride Boulevard looking toward the Geological Institute. This building was originally a wing of Saint Andrews Hospital opened in 1942 to serve Atlinite’s and neighboring communities. It was built from salvaged lumber and even nails from the...
Oct 12, 2021 | 1960s Alaska in Photos
Hirst-Chichagof Gold Mine Located fifty miles from Sitka, the Hirst-Chichagof Gold Mine operated from 1920 to 1943 when it was closed during WWII due to lack of manpower and resources. During its brief operation, the Chichagof mine processed 35 tons of ore a day and...
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